Thursday, December 16, 2021

Sligo Presbyterian Church Session Meeting - November 17, 2021

Session met for a stated meeting in the adult Sunday School room. Moderator, Ed Rudiger, opened the meeting opened with prayer at 6:30. 

Clerk's Report: The docket for the meeting was approved as were the minutes of the September and October session meetings. There were no communications requiring attention.

Moderator's Report: Rev. Ed provided a written report to review with session members. 


Budget, Finance, Mission: The reports of the General Fund, Building Fund, Deacons and Thrivent were reviewed, received, and filed for audit.

Worship and Music: plans in place for the barn service on 12/19; and Christmas Eve.

Outreach and Evangelism: Light up night is set for 5PM on 12/5 and the sign will be changed to include this information. Cookies, hot chocolate will be provided by members and those in attendance are being asked to bring an ornament to hang.

Christian Education and Youth: It was reported that Sunday School and Youth continue.

Property: It was reported that a new timer is needed for the outdoor sign and he has secured Mike Vereb to provide snow removal services

Personnel: no report

Deacons: Review of the meeting provided by Ed, who was in attendance. Session was asked, to consider having an Elder liaison named to attend their meetings and for a Deacon liaison to attend session meetings.

Nominating: It was reported that the committee has secured a slate of nominations for Elders: Trista Minick, Cass Neely, Ellen Clark. The committee is still working on a slate for Deacons

Session voted to approve all reports 

Old Business: none

New Business: Session received a request from Cindy Bonner to have someone else audit the church records with Greg this year as she is not able to fulfill this responsibility this year. Session voted to appoint Tammy Dell as an auditor with Greg Alcorn. Session discussed Christmas gifts for employees. Session approved giving the employees the same monetary gift as last year. (Custodian/Michelle, secretary/Dianne, musician/Scott, and AV operator/Dan). It was shared that Gary wanted to donate a burlap art piece of Christ and the session approved receiving this generous gift.

The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th, at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn, and the meeting was closed with prayer at 7:30PM.

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