Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rimersburg Sligo Community Prayer - May Email

Prayer Focus: 

H.O.P.E. (Home of Prayer Everyday)

The information included comes from a devotional book called “Why Pray” by John Devries. If you are interested in learning more about the book, please contact me. “I think a case could be made for saying that “hope” is a synonym for prayer! Hope launches prayer. Prayer without excited expectations of what God will do is prayer prayed without faith. Praying in faith is praying in hope. Faith means that we expect God to answer, anticipate God’s answers, and look forward to God’s answers. He will answer our prayers in ways we cannot ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).” This month let’s unite our prayer focus on praying with hope. The next few emails will

contain practical applications of making our homes, Homes of Prayer Everyday.

Pray for: 

The war in Ukraine

National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5, 2022—that people in our country will unite in prayer for our government, our military, our businesses and schools, our churches. Local service to be held at the United Church of Christ in Rimersburg at 7PM. 5/5/22. Monthly Community Prayer May 11 and May 25 at Baker St. Church of God 6:30PM Share a Care Food Distribution May 18 5PM. Rimersburg Methodist-volunteers welcome

Union High School Baccalaureate Service Sunday, May 22, 2022 Rimersburg Presbyterian Church 3PM. Join us in praying for these students and their families.

Faith into Action:

Saturday, May 21-Community Clean Up Day

Do you have areas in your community that need to be cleaned up? Litter picked up? Do you have a neighbor who needs help with their yard work? Let’s show God’s love to our community! I will be at the Dollar General in Rimersburg at 9AM to spend some time picking up the litter along the outside grounds if you’d like to join me! Bring gloves and a garbage bag.

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Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

Pray, Praise and Worship: Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World : We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, natio...