Friday, July 22, 2022

Our Session Meeting in a Nutshell - June 15, 2022

Below is a report based on the minutes from our June 15th Session meeting that were approved at our meeting on July 20.


Session met in a stated meeting in the Adult Sunday School room. Pastor Ed opened the meeting with prayer at 6:40.

Clerks Report: The meeting docket was approved. Minutes for the April meeting were not available.

Moderator's Report: Ed provided a written report for the members and reviewed it orally. Ed pointed out the increase in Facebook followers noting 20% of followers identify in the age group of 35-44 years old; 20% in the 45-54 year old age group. Session voted to receive the report as provided.


Finance and Mission: Reports from the Building Fund, Thrivent and General Fund were reviewed and filed for audit

Worship, Music: The upcoming service/picnic at COG pool is set for 6/26. Concord and Edenburg, as well as Rimersburg churches have been invited. 

Outreach and Evangelism: The chair of this committee resigned, but offered to assist when able with any plans the committee continues to make.

Christian Education and Youth: VBS planning continues for the Day Camp scheduled for 8/12 from 8-4PM. There are 15 youth signed up for the trip to the trampoline part. Ed is filling in for Casey, over the summer, leading the Adult Sunday School Class

Property Management: A bid for rebuilding the retaining wall will be resubmitting as they were not aware that the church already has the retaining wall stone purchased, and on site. Session was also notified that if paint was provided there were volunteers willing to paint the back of our sign, the-part that is seen from the sidewalk. Ed is checking with Computer Support and Clarion Computers regarding prices for a new laptop (to interface with the monitor mounted at the back of the sanctuary) and a new desktop for his use.

Deacons: A written report provided by the Deacons noting their donations for the month: It was noted that the Meadows Creamery truck will be at the church picnic on 6/26 as part of their outreach.

Nominating Committee: no report

Personnel: no report

Session voted to accept committee reports.

Old Business: none

New Business: none

Session will meet again on July 20 at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn at 7:20 PM and the meeting was closed with prayer.

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