Thursday, March 16, 2023

Our Session Meeting in a Nutshell - February 15, 2023

Below is a report based on the minutes from our February 15th Session meeting that were approved at our meeting on March 15.


Session met in a stated meeting in the Adult Sunday School room. Pastor Ed opened the meeting with prayer at 6:30.

Clerks Report: The meeting docket was approved. Session reviewed, and approved, the minutes of the January 2023 meeting.

Pastor's Report: Ed provided a written report for the members and reviewed it orally. Session received as presented.


Budget, Finance and Mission: Reports from the Building Fund, Thrivent and General Fund were reviewed. Session voted to receive all financial reports and to file for audit.

Worship, Music: no report.

Outreach and Evangelism: It was reported that there are plans for the following events this year: working with the Sligo Improvement Committee on Easter event planning, a Mother's Day Tea; Block Party; Trunk or Treat; Tree Lighting; Movie Night

Christian Ed: It was shared that VBS planning meeting is scheduled for 3/5. Property Management: no report

Deacons: It was reported that the Deacons met and the following events are-being planned: the Church picnic will be held at the Sligo COG Pool on 6/25, the pavilion has been reserved; there will be a soup sale in March, 25th and 26th, another soup sale scheduled Oct 14/15; the Christmas Luncheon on 12/10; the Barn service on 12/17. The group also completed their committee assignments. Clerk will update the committee sheets and provide to the group for the next meeting.

Nominating Committee: no report 

Personnel: no report

Session voted to accept committee reports

Old Business: Ed reported that the meeting with the Presbytery Foundation representative, regarding the online giving program, needed to be rescheduled. The group approved the meeting to be scheduled for Monday, 2/20, at 6:30. Ed will notify the representative and email members the link for the zoom meeting.

New Business: none.

Session will meet again on March 15th at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn at 7:05 PM and the meeting was closed with prayer.

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