In this blog, we'll focus on the working being done at Sligo Presbyterian Church, Sligo, Pennsylvania. We'll also look at what's happening in Sligo, Rimersburg, Clarion, and all the other communities served by our congregation.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Bible Readings for March 6, 2025
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Mission Yearbook: How and why we trust one another
On the Road to Jerusalem: A Study of Luke (Hearing and Doing - Luke 8:1-21)
Join us as we use the Gospel of Luke to discuss the journey made by Jesus Christ to the city of Jerusalem, from his birth to his ascension. During our time together, we’ll look at the following:
- Session 1 - The Announcements (Luke 1:1-56)
- Session 2 - The Births (Luke 1:57–2:21)
- Session 3 - Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:22-52)
- Session 4 - The Ministry of the Baptist (Luke 3:1-20)
- Session 5 - Jesus is Identified (Luke 3:21–4:13)
- Session 6 - Off and Running (Luke 4:14–5:16)
- Session 7 - Early Controversies (Luke 5:17–6:11)
- Session 8 - Choosing and Preparing the 12 (Luke 6:12-49)
- Session 9 - The Christ (Luke 7:1-50)
- Session 10 - Hearing and Doing (Luke 8:1-21)
- Session 11 - Revealing the Power of God (Luke 8:22-56)
- Session 12 - You Are the Christ of God (Luke 9:1-27)
- Session 13 - A Different Kind of Christ (Luke 9:28-50)
- Session 14 - Beginning the Journey (Luke 9:51–10:24)
- Session 15 - Love of God and Neighbor (Luke 10:25-42)
- Session 16 - Prayer (Luke 11:1-13)
- Session 17 - Conflicts and Controversies (Luke 11:14-11:54)
- Session 18 - Getting Ready [Part 1] (Luke 12:1-12:34)
- Session 19 - Getting Ready [Part 2] (Luke 12:35–13:9)
- Session 20 - Unexpected Reversals (Luke 13:10-13:35)
- Session 21 - Kingdom Etiquette (Luke 14:1-35)
- Session 22 - Parables of Joy (Luke 15:1-32)
- Session 23 - The Problem with Wealth (Luke 16:1-31)
- Session 24 - Forgiveness and Faith (Luke 17:1-19)
- Session 25 - The Kingdom Is Coming (Luke 17:20–18:8)
- Session 26 - Rich and Poor (Luke 18:9-18:30)
- Session 27 - Approaching the City (Luke 18:31–19:28)
- Session 28 - The Entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:29-48)
- Session 29 - Jesus in the Temple Again (Luke 20:1–21:4)
- Session 30 - The Coming End (Luke 21:5-38)
- Session 31 - The Last Supper (Luke 22:1-20)
- Session 32 - Parting Words (Luke 22:21-38)
- Session 33 - Prayer, Arrest and Denials (Luke 22:39-62)
- Session 34 - Trials (Luke 22:63–23:25)
- Session 35 - Crucifixion and Death (Luke 23:26-56)
- Session 36 - Empty Tomb and Emmaus Road (Luke 24:1-35)
- Session 37 - The Blessing and Departure (Luke 24:36-53)
In our tenth session, we looked at Luke 8:1-21 and talked about what Jesus taught about our call as disciples. The discussion and passage are below.
Luke 8:1-21 [New Revised Standard Version]
Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.
When a great crowd gathered and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable: “A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell on the path and was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered for lack of moisture. Some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it. Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold.” As he said this, he called out, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” Then his disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that ‘looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not understand.’ “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones on the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. The ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe only for a while and in a time of testing fall away. As for what fell among the thorns, these are the ones who hear; but as they go on their way, they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance. “No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light. Then pay attention to how you listen; for to those who have, more will be given; and from those who do not have, even what they seem to have will be taken away.” Then his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him because of the crowd. And he was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” But he said to them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”
Study, Learn and Grow: Bible Readings for March 5, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Mission Yearbook: Former General Assembly Moderator leads Lost & Found Church worship for Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
The SPC Kindness Kids Organize Items for Our Blessings Box and Write Sympathy Cards
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Kindness Kids have been involved in several activities that demonstrate Christian kindness and concern. Led by Debbie Rudiger, these young people meet each Sunday morning during the SPC Celebration to put into action Jesus's commandment to love one another as we've been loved.
On February 23, they put together some bags for our Blessings Box. They also wrote sympathy cards for a family who recently lost their dog.
The SPC Kindness Kids Celebrate Valentine's Day
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Kindness Kids have been involved in several activities that demonstrate Christian kindness and concern. Led by Debbie Rudiger, these young people meet each Sunday morning during the SPC Celebration to put into action Jesus's commandment to love one another as we've been loved.
On February 9, they made valentines for the congregation and prepared a reception after the worship service.
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, March 2, 2025
Depending on your experience, you may wonder if healthy relationships are even possible. There’s a lot of brokenness in the world; therefore, it’s easy to question whether good, solid, joy-filled relationships are even possible. But here’s the good news; Jesus Christ came to heal our relationships both with God and with one another. As the Apostle Paul wrote,
Christ has made peace between Jews and Gentiles, and he has united us by breaking down the wall of hatred that separated us. Christ gave his own body to destroy the Law of Moses with all its rules and commands. He even brought Jews and Gentiles together as though we were only one person, when he united us in peace. [Ephesians 2:14-15, CEV]
Sunday's Message - Keys to Healthy Relationships: Forgiveness
Depending on your experience, you may wonder if healthy relationships are even possible. There’s a lot of brokenness in the world; therefore, it’s easy to question whether good, solid, joy-filled relationships are even possible. But here’s the good news; Jesus Christ came to heal our relationships both with God and with one another. As the Apostle Paul wrote,
Christ has made peace between Jews and Gentiles, and he has united us by breaking down the wall of hatred that separated us. Christ gave his own body to destroy the Law of Moses with all its rules and commands. He even brought Jews and Gentiles together as though we were only one person, when he united us in peace. [Ephesians 2:14-15, CEV]
Peter came up to the Lord and asked, “How many times should I forgive someone who does something wrong to me? Is seven times enough?”Jesus answered:Not just 7 times, but 77 times! This story will show you what the kingdom of heaven is like:One day a king decided to call in his officials and ask them to give an account of what they owed him. As he was doing this, one official was brought in who owed him 50,000,000 silver coins. But he didn't have any money to pay what he owed. The king ordered him to be sold, along with his wife and children and all he owned, in order to pay the debt.The official got down on his knees and began begging, “Have pity on me, and I will pay you every cent I owe!” The king felt sorry for him and let him go free. He even told the official that he did not have to pay back the money.But as this official was leaving, he happened to meet another official, who owed him 100 silver coins. So he grabbed the man by the throat. He started choking him and said, “Pay me what you owe!”The man got down on his knees and began begging, “Have pity on me, and I will pay you back.” But the first official refused to have pity. Instead, he went and had the other official put in jail until he could pay what he owed.When some other officials found out what had happened, they felt sorry for the man who had been put in jail. Then they told the king what had happened. The king called the first official back in and said, “You're an evil man! When you begged for mercy, I said you did not have to pay back a cent. Don't you think you should show pity to someone else, as I did to you?” The king was so angry that he ordered the official to be tortured until he could pay back everything he owed. That is how my Father in heaven will treat you, if you don't forgive each of my followers with all your heart. [Matthew 18:21-35, CEV]
If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you. But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. [Matthew 6:14-15, CEV]
Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. [Ephesians 4:31-32, CEV]
God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together. [Colossians 3:12-14, CEV]
If we say we share in life with God and keep on living in the dark, we are lying and are not living by the truth. But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus washes all our sins away. If we say we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts. But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away. [1 John 1:6-9, CEV]
Dear friends, don't try to get even. Let God take revenge. In the Scriptures the Lord says,“I am the one to take revengeand pay them back.”The Scriptures also say,“If your enemies are hungry,give them something to eat.And if they are thirsty,give them somethingto drink.This will be the sameas piling burning coalson their heads.”Don't let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good. [Romans 12:19-21, CEV]
Bible Readings for March 4, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
PC(USA) Weekly News
Bible Readings for March 3, 2025
Bible Readings for March 6, 2025
Study, Learn and Grow: Bible Readings for March 6, 2025 : Let's read the Bible together in the next year. Today our passages are Nu...
From The Derrick, Monday August 5, 2024 It was sunshine all day long on Sunday, perfect weather for Franklin audiences to crown the winner o...
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Brunch Bunch went to Foxburg for lunch on Tuesday, July 9. Thanks to Paula Conner for organizing the outing an...
According to the Second Book of the Kings, the Babylonians conquered the city of David and moved the people of Judah into captivity. But tha...