Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A New Vision for Sligo Youth

Good Morning & Happy Fall Y'all!

Can we please pray together for just a few moments? God, we give you the glory for a new season. We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon SPC this past year. We thank you, God, for bringing us a pastor that we can count on to lead this church. Father, we thank you for the many children who walk into this church to learn about you whether it's for Sunday School, Church or through Release Time. God, I ask you to hear our prayer for a special group of kids, and that's for the local youth who need to hear of your amazing love through Jesus Christ. God, open our hearts and minds as we consider a new approach to reaching young people in our community. Amen.

Recently, Pastor Ed, Paula Conner and I met together to brainstorm on how to proceed this fall with the youth program. I would like to share some of the new ideas we have in mind for the youth in our church and local area.

We recognize the importance of getting our youth involved in mission work and at least one type of community service. We are hoping to coordinate with the Sligo Council for local needs, but if you have an idea, please feel free to share it with us. Pastor Ed has graciously contacted the Union High School regarding requirements for high school graduation, and was told community service is needed for students in grades 9-12. We see this as an open the door for Youth Outreach and Ministry.

In addition to missions and community service, many of the young people in our area are in need of life skills that are no longer being taught at the high school. Wood Shop and Home Economics have become a thing of the past at Union HS. Although many students attend the CC Vo-Tech to learn a particular trade, they are missing out on sampling other crafts or trades that we might be able to introduce at the church. God has given each of us special gifts to share, whether it's cooking/baking, woodworking, card making, vehicle maintenance, sewing on a button, or whatever you might think of.

This is where we need your help. Would you please share one of your gifts with a group of teenagers in our Pilot Program this fall? We have 7 dates between October 10th and Nov. 21" open for anyone who is willing to give it a try. The meeting time for youth is Sundays from 3-4:30 pm. We would hope you would consider a 45 minute segment of time or more if needed.

Clara will be passing the sign up sheet today and it will be placed in the back of the church thereafter.

Last, but not least, we don't want to miss the most important reason forgetting kids into our church ... it's all about sharing the love of Christ We will continue to have a Bible lesson each week with the• youth. Please give this Outreach Ministry your consideration. We need all of you, young or old, male or female. If you have any questions, please contact Jodie Hagan (814) 229-2644 or Pastor Ed at 814-745-2771 (SPC). And remember. If you love the children, you will want to help us out!

SPC Life Skill Trades & Crafts for Youth

Approx 45 minute class (additional time can be added.)

For youth age 7-12th grade *

A New Approach to Youth

Beginning 10/10/21

  • Trades
  • Woodworking & Tools 
  • Archery/Hunting
  • Painting a Room 
  • Automotive Maintenance 
  • Automotive Detailing 
  • Computer Software
  • Cooking Soup
  • Baking Apple Pie
  • Home Gardening & Canning
  • Noodling
  • Basic Sewing
  • Learning to Crochet or Knit
  • Card Making
  • Plants & Floral Arrangement

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