Thursday, September 2, 2021

Synod of the Trinity Enews: We got our vaccines, have you?

Being More with map

 Aug. 31, 2021

The Synod of the Trinity

Being More Together


PA Council of Churches


We got our vaccines.

Have you?

Several leaders from the Synod of the Trinity region teamed up to create a video for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches urging others to get the coronavirus vaccine.

View the video by clicking here.

Samaritan Counseling


Build back the church;

don't try to return to normal

Church members and pastors suffer from both fatigue and a yearning to get back to normal. But there is no normal to get back to.

Normal died during the pandemic as churches scrambled to meet new realities: How do we record our services? Do we need a camera or can we use our phones? Do we live stream on Facebook or YouTube or a streaming service, or upload recordings to YouTube? How do we create an engaging service for distracted, bathrobe clothed people watching in their kitchens while eating breakfast?

To read more thoughts on this subject by the Rev. Graham Standish, the executive director for Samaritan Counseling, Guidance, Consulting, click here.


Bob Hotchkiss

Rev. Bob Hotchkiss served the church with passion

Anyone who met the Rev. Bob Hotchkiss knew right away that he had a passion for the church. The former stated clerk of the Synod of the Trinity used his talents to not only strengthen the Synod but also the congregations in Pennsylvania that he served along the way.

“His passion was for church,” said the Rev. Bruce Stevens, a former executive of the Synod. “There is not a bit of doubt in my mind that he was looking for something to do to serve the church absolutely as long as he could physically do it because he really did love the church.”

Bob passed away Aug. 21. He was 89. The Synod of the Trinity is thankful for Bob’s work and service to the region and sends condolences to his family and friends.

To read more about Bob's impact on the Presbyterian Church in the Synod of the Trinity region, click here.



Donegal trio

History, perseverance aplenty at 300-year-old Donegal Church

Members at Donegal Presbyterian Church have seen and been a part of plenty notable events since a small group of leaders petitioned Newcastle Presbytery in 1721 for an installed pastor. In those three centuries of dedication, the church has managed to overcome wars, splits within the denomination and even pandemics to continue to be a strong Christian disciple.

"God’s hand is at work in this congregation," said the Rev. Matt Randolph, "because they do a phenomenal job looking at what truly unites them, and that is the faith of Jesus Christ given to them by God’s grace. They let that be the platform for how they worship and be together as a family in thanksgiving."

For more on the history of this congregation and what celebrations are planned in the coming months, click here.


Monts Love Pass

Pedaling pastor Chuck Monts makes LA to NY trek for mission

People will go to great lengths to support a cause they believe in. For the Rev. Chuck Monts, this summer he took two months away from his congregation in Lehigh Presbytery and traveled 3,000 miles to benefit The Bowery Mission, a soup kitchen and shelter that is the oldest in New York City. And he made the cross-country trek on his bicycle.

Chuck, who raised $40,000 for the Manhattan neighborhood mission but was hoping for much more, stayed in churches during his trip to help cut back on costs. Those stays left a lasting impression on him.

“I want to be more gracious and hospitable in the future," he said, "because of the experience of in-hospitality but also the experience of extraordinary hospitality. Both of those experiences make me want to be better at going the extra mile.”

To read more about Chuck's journey across the country on a bicycle, click here.

Board of Pensions deadline is Oct. 8

For those who are enrolled in the Board of Pensions benefit package, you are reminded to review your benefits choices and log on to Benefits Connect between now and Friday, Oct. 8, to submit your Employer Agreement for 2022.

An update is available from regional representative Doug Portz by clicking here.

Pittsburgh Presbytery requiring benefits package

Pittsburgh Presbytery has joined the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta in requiring the Minister’s Choice Benefits Package. They are the only two presbyteries in PCUSA that require the package for ministers called to serve at least 20 hours weekly.

“For us, it was a no-brainer,” says Pittsburgh's Rev. Brian Wallace of requiring churches to provide Minister’s Choice. “We had been working toward making benefits a value-add for our congregations.”

To read more on this unique stance, click here.

WV minister gives away things to charity

Synod commissioner Rebecca Mihm from the Presbytery of West Virginia is accepting another call in Florida. While she is excited for the move, she didn't know what to do with the many things she had accumulated during her time at Fleming Memorial Church Presbyterian Church in Fairmont, WV.

So she has decided to donate many of her things to a "Blessings from the Basement," a local program that gathers furniture and household goods and places them with families in need.

To read the full story, click here.

Relive NWMC on YouTube

The theme for this year's New Wilmington Mission Conference was "Called to One Hope" based on Ephesians 4:4-6.

If you were unable able to attend this year's conference, you can watch segments of the gathering on the conference's YouTube channel by clicking here.

Annual Small Church Conf. set for Sept. 

The Presbytery of West Virginia’s Small Church Conference will be held Saturday, Sept. 18, at the First Presbyterian Church of Clarksburg. The conference’s theme is “Saved to Serve…Thy Kingdom Come on Earth,” and it will feature the keynote and a workshop by Rev. Dr. Judi Slater plus two other workshops. Registration details and more information for this free event are available by clicking here.

Registration deadline is Sept. 7.

REvangelism: 8 Habits of Evangelism coming to Montreat

Montreat (N.C.) Conference Center will hold a "REvangelism Conference" on the "8 Habits of Evangelism" on Nov. 1-3. The online conference is designed to take you on a deeper journey into faith: into the lives of others, into justice, hope and the wonder of God. Together you will practice habits of evangelism that will engage you in the gospel of good news — God’s justice and reconciliation for the world.

At REvangelism, you will interact with the wise, diverse voices in the church who contributed to the "8 Habits of Evangelism" resource. As you work through each habit together, you will experience the goodness and richness of Christ’s body and the Holy Spirit transforming you, and the world around you.

More information is available by clicking here.

'Deacon Ministries' webinar caps series

The PC(USA)'s "Year of Leader Formation: Investing in Ruling Elders and Deacons" continues Sept. 16 with a webinar on "Deacon Ministries," beginning at 7 p.m. (Eastern).

The previous two webinars (titled "Parliamentary Procedure for Leaders" and "Discovering our Gifts") are available for viewing by clicking here.

'Equip PCUSA Training' resources available

Are you looking for training and support resources for your Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation? If so, check out "Equip PC(USA) Training."

This site is maintained by the PC(USA) to provide specific resources on behalf of the church. It contains both resources that are available to everyone ("E4U: Self-Enrollment Training Opportunities") and materials with limited access that are available only to those who have been granted permission by the content managers.

Check it out by clicking here.

The Synod of the Trinity | Being More Together

Have a story tip? Email Mike Givler, Communications Coordinator, here.
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