Friday, September 23, 2022

Our Session Meeting in a Nutshell - August 17, 2022

Below is a report based on the minutes from our August 17th Session meeting that were approved at our meeting on September 21. Some of the names and sensitive information has been redacted. 


Session met in a stated meeting in the Adult Sunday School room. Pastor Ed opened the meeting with prayer at 6:30.

Clerks Report: The meeting docket was approved. Minutes from July meeting were reviewed and approved.

Moderator's Report: Ed provided a written report for the members and reviewed it orally. Session voted to receive the report as provided. Ed shared that the new computer has been received, but that there is software needed, a scanning program that he uses. Session approved the purchase.


Finance and Mission: Reports from the Building Fund, Thrivent and General Fund were reviewed and filed for audit.

Worship, Music: It was noted that there has been interest in sound board operations training, so it will be coordinated with Jake

Outreach and Evangelism: It was reported that the plans are in place for the upcoming Block Party.

Christian Ed: It was noted that plans continue for Sunday School kickoff.

Property Management: Request was made to use the social hall for a shower on 11/12. Session asked that the building use form from the Manual of Operations be sent to her to review the charges and if she is in agreement ask that she sign/return the forms to the office. Sherry reported that the voting machines will be delivered on 11/4. 

Deacons: It was reported that the Deacons are planning a soup sale in October, possibly the 15/16th.

Nominating Committee: A meeting with the committee will be scheduled to begin considering members for Elders/Deacons.

Personnel: no report.

Session voted to accept committee reports.

Old Business:

New Business: Session took time to review the current membership roll. A letter will be drafted which will be sent. Session agreed and will review the letter prior to having it sent.

Session will meet again on Sept. 21st at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn at 7:35PM and the meeting was closed with prayer.

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