Thursday, September 22, 2022

Umbrellas for Release Time

Over the last few weeks, the Rimmersburg/Sligo Association of Churches reached out to various churches in Clarion County to ask to support an umbrella drive for the Release Time Program children. This drive was designed to benefit the students who attend schools in the Union School District. 

Release Time is a program for children in grades 2-6. Once a week they're released from school to get a message about God's love. The attendance rate is 98%, with 75% of the children involved not being regular church attendees. This program has had a positive impact on the students of Union SD for over 68 years. This umbrella drive will allow students to attend this program when it is raining. 

Sligo Presbyterian Church did its part, as shown by this picture taken during our Sunday, September 18th worship service.

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