Friday, January 20, 2023

Summary of the SPC Session Meeting - December 21, 2022

Below is a summary of our Session of December 21, 2022. It's based on the minutes approved by the Session on January 18.


Session met in a stated meeting in the Adult Sunday School room. Pastor Ed opened the meeting with prayer at 6:30.

Clerks Report: The meeting docket was approved

Pastor's Report: Ed provided a written report for the members and reviewed it orally. Ed reported the Presbyterian Foundation contact person provided dates for meeting. Session agreed to having a presentation as part of the January meeting, 1/18/23.


Budget, Finance and Mission: Reports from the Building Fund, Thrivent and General Fund were reviewed. Session voted to receive all financial reports and to file for audit. Session reviewed the 2023 budget and approved with amendments: titling line 23.9 as Outreach Expenses and adding a $1000 amount; Changing the title of line item 23.10 to Deacon's, but keeping the budget amount to $500. Session approved a raise for the custodian, which changed the budget amount to line 2-5.2 to $6000. No raises were approved for the secretary, musician or AV technician. Total of the 2023 budget to be $147.905 Session approved this budget amount. It was reported that the Blessing Box was ordered from Etsy and has been delivered. The costs of the box was covered by donations,. At this time it still needs to have shingles put on the roof and needs to be painted. Session discussed the placement of the box and approved having it put in the flower area, by the sanctuary emergency door exit to the parking lot. This will provide access from the parking lot, as well as privacy and safety from the main read traffic.

Worship, Music: Session discussed the Barn service and suggested having Mary/Joseph/baby characters at the service next year.

Outreach and Evangelism: It was reported that the Tree Lighting and Movie Night events were well attended and everyone seemed pleased. She noted approximately 6570 people attended the movie night.

Christian Ed: It was reported on a recent meeting with Jodie regarding youth and the possibility of reaching out to New Athens and Baker St. for some activity coordination.

Property Management: Carpet Barn and Blake Brothers are working on estimates for social hall carpet. It was reported that Pam Myers' son may be an option for estimate to patch drywall/paint the social hall. It was also noted that there is a local upholstery person who may be able to repair the torn pew cover. We'll check to see if they are interested: in the work and what it might cost.

Deacons: no report

Nominating Committee: It was reported that the following nominations for Elders (Class 2025-12/25 term ends): Mark Dell, Beth Hawk, Deb Johnson. Nominations for Deacons (Class 2025-term ends 12/25): Jess Quinn, Jake Stewart, Deb Rudiger. Clerk has been asked to request membership transfer for Deb Rudiger from Cove Presbyterian to SPC.

Personnel: no report

Session voted to accept committee reports

Old Business: none.

New Business: Session approved Congregational meeting on 1/8, following worship, to elect officers and approve Terms of Call (outlined in budget). Session approved hold the Annual Congregational meeting to review 2022 financial reports on 2/5 following worship.

Session will met again on January 18th at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn at 8:00 PM and the meeting was closed with prayer.

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