Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Big Idea Contest


           The Clarion Area Chamber of Business & Industry (CACBI) is currently accepting logo submissions for the 2023 ALLEGHENY TOYOTA AUTUMN LEAF FESTIVAL™. The winning theme is “Groovin into Autumn” submitted anonymously.

Logo submissions are judged by the following:
1. Logos should reflect the theme, “Groovin into Autumn” in a way that is appropriate for the 70th Allegheny Toyota Autumn Leaf FestivalTM.
2. The design must be submitted on white, 8 1/2” x 11” paper.
3. The design must be original, meaning that it is not taken from another source.
4. Contestants must reside, work, or attend school in Clarion County.
5. Include your name, address, email, & phone number on the back of the entry.
The logo winner receives two Autumn Leaf™ tumblers and a sweatshirt. The winner also receives invitations to the Sponsor Reception, VIP Brunch and to ride in the Butler Health System Clarion Hospital “Tournament of Leaves” Parade. In addition, the winner is invited to the Annual Awards Dinner which is slated for Saturday, March 11, 2023.
           The creator of the winning logo will be notified as soon as a decision is reached by the judges. The Clarion Area Chamber of Business & Industry Board of Directorswill be judging the logo. All decisions made by the judges are final. 
           Anyone living, working or attending school in Clarion County can submit logo ideas. All submissions must be made no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. This deadline is firm and will not change.

ALL ENTRIES BECOME THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE CLARION AREA CHAMBER OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRY. When entering a logo, the name, address, and phone number of the creator should be included with the entry. You may email, mail or hand deliver your submission to the CACBI office:

Allegheny Toyota Autumn Leaf Festival™
ATTN: Logo Committee
650 Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214

For more information, contact the Clarion Area Chamber of Business & Industry at 814-226-9161.
Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts


Valentine’s Day Cabaret & Dance with KEY FACTOR

Saturday, February 11, 2023 7:30 PM
Lincoln Hall
42 S Palmer Street
Foxburg PA 16036

Tickets: Adults $25. Because of cabaret table seating, reservations are required. Seating is limited so be sure to reserve early. This concert will sell out! To reserve a table or tickets, call 724 659-3153 to reserve and pay by cash or check at the door – or buy online at
Remake Learning Days is back all across Pennsylvania on May 4 - 23, 2023. 

During January and February our focus is to identify great quality event hosts to open their doors (in-person or virtually) to host learning events related to one or more of these themes: arts, maker, outdoor learning, science, tech, and youth voice. Our goal is to create an event calendar of 100+ events across NWPA where parents and caregivers can learn alongside their kids in evenings and on weekends and teachers can engage their students in events during the school day. One festival goal is for youth to find new interests, families/educators to find new community connections, and to bring a community together as part of the festival. We have a handful of $250 mini-grants for event hosts, if needed.

In March/April our focus will shift to sharing the event calendar with educators and families so they can find events that fit their schedule and interests.

Programs at Cook Forest State Park
Saturday, February 18 at 1100am - ‘Snowman in the Forest Day’    Come join us for a day of fun wintry activities along the picturesque National Wild & Scenic Clarion River within Cook Forest State Park. Various activities will be held at the new River Pavilion by the playground on River Road approximately 1-mile up-river from the RT36 Cooksburg Bridge:
1130am - Chili Cook-Off (hot & mild divisions)
1130am-230pm - carriage rides, sledding, snowman building, ice skating (ice skates available)
1200-100pm - Snowshoe interpretive hike within the old growth forest along Cook Trail, meet at the new River Pavilion
100pm - Happy Dog Contest
Come sample the chili during the ‘Free Chili Cook-Off’, that is, after the judges have tried some first. Hot chocolate and coffee will be on hand to help take the chill out of your bones. Enjoy a wonderful day among family and friends in Cooksburg’s winter wonderland. Event sponsored by the Cook Forest Vacation Bureau. (2.5 hrs)

Saturday, February 25 at 730am - ‘Otter Watch’     Please bring your binoculars and spotting scopes to the Park Office for a driving tour to otter hotspots along the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River. This is the prime time of the year to witness otter activity. Chances are good to observe otter sign such as slides, tracks, and latrines along the banks of the river. Hot chocolate and coffee will be available at the Park Office to warm us up. Maybe we’ll even get a chance to see a river otter romp in action! (3 hrs)

Saturday, March 18 at 900am - ‘Polar Bear Float’    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting an interpretive cold weather kayaking trip on the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River. Join the flotilla and celebrate the last days of winter on this four mile float. Bald eagles, river otter, mink, and mergansers have been known to make an appearance. Pack a lunch and a thermos with your favorite hot beverage. Cost is $25/boat (bring your own or we’ll supply you one) with check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All monies raised go towards future programming at Cook Forest State Park. Participants must pre-register by 3/15/23 by contacting the Park Office at (814)744-8470. Prior kayak training participants receive a 50% discount. Safety is of utmost importance. All participants must have the following required safety equipment or will not be permitted to attend: dry suit or dry top/bottom combination, cold  weather boots, waterproof gloves, waterproof stow bag, complete change of clothes. Meet at the Park Office where we will conduct a safety check for above items, load gear, and travel to the starting point up-river. (5 hrs)

Saturday, March 25 at 830am - ‘Eagle Watch’    Please bring your binoculars and spotting scopes to the Park Office for a driving tour to eagle hotspots along the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River. This is the prime time of the year to view bald eagles on their nests and find new nesting sites. Expect a long car-pool and aggressive hike to some of the better areas, but the rewards will be worth it. Hot chocolate and coffee will be available at the Park Office to warm us up. (4 hrs)
Many new pretties arriving daily....
Open Monday - Friday 9 to 5 and Saturday 9 to 1.
2023 Photo Contests

The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is pleased to announce their lineup of photo contests for 2023. The five themes are Fantastic Food, Pets in the Outdoors, Family Outdoor Adventures, Fall Foliage, and Honoring History. 

The Fantastic Food photo contest runs now through February 28, 2023. Pets in the Outdoors photos can be submitted from March 1, 2023, through May 31, 2023. Pictures of Family Outdoor Adventures will be accepted from June 1, 2023, until August 31, 2023. Snapshots of Fall Foliage in Pennsylvania’s Great Outdoors region will be accepted from September 1, 2023, through November 30, 2023. The final contest period for Honoring History is from December 1, 2023, until February 29, 2024. Finalists’ photos for each contest period will be posted on online with the four entries receiving the most votes winning the following cash prizes: 1st Place $100, 2nd Place $75, 3rd Place $50, and 4th Place $25.

To enter complete the entry form and upload your photos at The only requirements are that the photo meet the photo contest theme and must be taken in Jefferson, Elk, Clarion, Forest, or Cameron Counties.

“Our photo contests are very popular with travelers and locals alike. These contests give people the chance to show off their photos highlighting the natural beauty, people, places, rich history, and events of the region during each season. -John Straitiff-Executive Director Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau.

The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is a membership-based travel promotion organization serving five counties in Northwest Pennsylvania: Cameron, Clarion, Elk, Forest, and Jefferson Counties. The mission of the Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is to design and implement marketing strategies/programs with the specific intent of increasing overnight travel-related expenditures and awareness of the region as the home of “Endless Outdoor Adventure”.

Please be advised that Brookfield Renewable, owner and operator of the Piney Hydroelectric Plant and Dam on the Clarion River, will not be conducting a drawdown in 2022. The planned drawdown will begin in April of 2023 to perform work on our spillway gates located on the dam.
All dock holders on the Clarion River are in the process of being notified. We will provide another update as we get closer to April.
Welcome New Members:

All Out Automotive Inc.
2662 Rt. 322
Cranberry, PA 16319
Phone: 814-992-2058

Swank Vacations
811 Washington Ave.
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 814-229-5767

Here are some of the updates, announcements and information that has been supplied to us via email in the past few days. Please visit the web page listed above for more details:


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