Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Summary of Sligo Session Meeting – July 21, 2021

Session met in a stated meeting in the adult Sunday School. The meeting was called to order with prayer by Moderator, Ed Rudiger, at 6:30 with prayer.


Moderator's Report: Rev. Rudiger provided a written report noting visitation, time spent preparing for worship, and Bible Study activities. Session reviewed the report and it was received as submitted. Ed noted that he is planning Shut In Communion on 7/22.

Clerks Report: The docket of the meeting was approved. The minutes of the May meeting were reviewed and approved. Clerk reported that the e-vote regarding Communion being served at the combined worship service/picnic with Concord on 7/18, was passed.


Finance and Mission: Reports from the Building Fund, Deacons and General Fund were reviewed. Session received the reports and voted to file for audit.

Worship, Music, Outreach and Evangelism: The committee requested approval to proceed with invitations for Concord to join for worship and/or Communion since they are without a pastor and supplies are limited. Session noted that the invitations could also be extended to Knox and Rimersburg churches and approved the request.

Christian Education and Youth: It was reported that VBS Day Camp plans are continuing for the 8/13 event and that a teacher is still needed for the HS Sunday School class.

Property Management: Session approved the following requests: for Mike Troup to serve breakfast on 8/1 before worship, and approved his request for future breakfasts, way be clear by the calendar; SPC hosting the Union Music Association Dinner on 5/18/2022; and participation in the Homes for the Holiday event on 11/4 thru 11/6 to serve food with proceeds to benefit the building fund.

Nominating Committee: no report

Deacons: A written report was provided noting their activities: memorial service lunch for Robert Moore family, donations to Randy Frampton; passing out flyers for VBS and church events at the Eccles Library; and the first order of cookbooks was submitted the end of June.

Personnel: Ellen reported that the new pastor seems to be settling in and that all staffing positions are filled.

Session voted to accept committee reports.


It was noted that he is moving forward to get bids on the new roof; the retaining wall in the parking lot and new lights for the social hall.


Session approved Noodling to begin on 9/20. 

Session was notified that Release Time would like to have permission to use the church again this school year. Given the changes in the classes at the building in Sligo, the group is unsure of the days the program will beheld. The group would like to begin on 9/13. Session requested the they provide documentation of their liability insurance and make arrangements for their key with the church secretary. 

Session approved purchasing new computer equipment/printers from Tech Ready at a cost of $2434.97 per estimate #1164. Ed will follow up with them and will discuss having them also consider designing anew web page for the church. 

Ed talked with session about dividing the current Worship, Music, Outreach & Evangelism committee into two: Music/Worship and Outreach/Evangelism. 

Session was notified that there has been an offer by Clint Gallagher to hold a Barn Service in his barn so this will be considered by the committee as plans begin for Advent/Christmas season.

Session will meet again on August 18th at 6:30. Session voted to adjourn at 8:30 PM and the meeting was closed with prayer.

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